Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cold Weather

Bill talked to Tom Holland today, and it is too cold in Green Cove Springs in FL to epoxy and paint the bottom as the temperature needs to be above 70 for several days in order to finish that part of the work. Looks like we are definitely grounded for another week or so as the weather forecast is for mid 6os for the next week.
Bill is keeping busy looking for a new dinghy, and an engine, as well as practicing with a hand held GPS.
Still lots to do here planning Birthday Tea for my mother's 90th on the 21st of Feb. Life is never boring, but we are looking forward to being able to take off soon.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


We purchased Wind Spirit on December 1,2009 after looking for a good 2 years. years. She is the answer to a dream we have had for our retirement for many years. She is in amazing condition, and was cherished by her previous owners Joe and Lynn. We are so grateful for all the time they have spent with us teaching us about the systems on board and helping us get oriented to living on her. We do wish them happiness and safe journey's in their new land yacht!

We have spent about 7 nights on board in December and January in Ortega Marina getting to know her as well as moving in and getting comfortable on board. The weather was very cold, but we were very cozy inside the cabin and also in the enclosed cockpit.

With much anxiety we got ready to move her down to Green Springs Cove to the Holland Boat Yard to have some elective work done before we sail away to somewhere. We discussed dock lines and procedure thoroughly before we actually did start the engines and back out of the slip. Bill was amazing and we slid out perfectly and headed to the bridge. We called and magically they responded and it opened. We headed south on the St John's River sitting in the cockpit without coats even though it was 30 degrees. After a snack and in just under 4 hours we slid into the dock. We had asked for help with lines which worked perfectly . We had made our first trip and were tickled. Am sure they all won't go as well, but it sure was great for the morale!