We have been back in Beaufort,South Carolina on Wind Spirit since last Tuesday afternoon. We met friends,the Pages, from Sutton Quebec here as they were on their way home from Florida. They were our first overnight guests and seemed to be comfortable even though they have not been on a boat like this before. They were on our Catalina 25 years ago. On Tuesday evening we went out for seafood to the 11th Street Dockside at Port Royal which was fun and good. We watched the sun go down over Battery Creek.
Wednesday was warm and sunny at the dock, we decided to go sailing. When we motored out to the Port Royal Sound we needed warm jackets as it was cool and pretty windy. As we put up the sail it was off the track on the mast and was flying free on the halyard. Down it came on the boom furling. We motored back to Beaufort, anchored for lunch just off the park, and Pages had a nap. We decided we had rolled down the main too far the last time we had had it up, and pulled it out of the feeder. We came back to the dock for drinks and dinner on the boat at sunset.
Saturday we puttered and decided we would contact the ProFurl people who make the rigging and installed it for some advice. We sent them pictures today and had a great conversation. Think we may have figured out what happened on Friday.
But it is not all work and no play as we drove out to Hunting Island State Park Sunday afternoon and went down to the beach which was very windy. The water felt warm, but not too many folks in swimming. The light house is beautiful. We had climbed it with the kids years ago and did not venture up again. We stopped for lunch at the Johnson Creek Tavern. The food was good when we got it, but the service marginal. Enjoyed watching the osprey feeding their young and also some of the Masters.
On the way back, we stopped at my favorite gallery, The Red Piano at Frogmore. Am still looking at a bird painting by W.J. Wiley. Saw the paintings 2 years ago when we were here boat-hunting and still like them. They don't fit on a boat however!
We drove out and looked at the marina at Dataw Island which is lovely, but just a bit out of the way right now. Might be somewhere to stay later when we are not running around so much. There was a lot of current there too. The community is just beautiful with azaleas in bloom all over. We headed back to the Port Royal Marina and the boat, but stopped at the Back Porch Bar at the marina for a beer and to watch more of the finals of the Masters. We don't have TV on board which is an adjustment for some of us.
The live oak trees all over this area are the most amazing green this week. Think most of the leaves froze this winter so new ones have come out and are the most luscious color. Will try to paint it but doubt I can match it! I have yet to open my paints since we have been on the boat, but am getting closer. Saw the sunrise this morning...yes I did see it... and it was lovely and bright reflecting across the Beaufort River.
Well other than mainsail issues and having visitors life has been pretty quiet on Wind Spirit and that is fine with me as we adjust to living aboard.
Christine just called, and Mother is on her way to Tucson for a visit with a cousin for a week.
All is well with us. Please keep in touch.
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