Saturday, March 6, 2010


We had word on Friday that work was finally completed on Windspirit. She is in the water and ready for us! After waiting 8 weeks, thanks to extremely cold weather, we can finally get serious about staying on her. Feels a little real (make that scary to me) right now.

Taxes are almost completed. Insurance stuff has been taken care of as well as some finances for us and Mother. Bill found a motor on Craig's List, and bought a dinghy which is waiting for us with Windspirit. Maybe we are really going to be on the boat for a while. But... will be back here for Easter, and want to see grandsons around then, so are planning that far ahead at this point. I have to take this whole process of separating from our lives here in little bites!

Serious gathering and packing today. Lists are written. So far have done laundry, packed paints and art supplies, gotten DC charger for the Sony reader and downloaded a few books after sorting out the software. Imagine taking 100 books in the space of less than one. Oh, yes need to get the Spanish books together so I can be working on that too. With no TV should be more time to get stuff like that done. Still need to plan and organize knitting projects...never mind food, linens and clothes!! Will get to those tomorrow.

I just went for a short walk in the sun in the garden while I still can to have a look at what has been starting to grow. The cedar wax wings have been eating the berries on the holly. The daffodil, hydrangea and saucer magnolia buds are getting fat. The lenten roses are lovely.

1 comment:

  1. Bill, it was a pleasure to talk with you the other day while you were working on your taxes. I am looking forward to following your adventures!

    Land was created to provide a place for boats to visit. ~Brooks Atkinson
