Well, we have been back on Wind Spirit at Port Royal Landings Marina for a lovely week. Weather has been amazing except for one rainy day which didn't slow us down too much.
Our friends, Nancy and Claude came down to spend a few days with us which was fun. We ate well and drank a few V&Ts... it is summer here already. Peggy and her brother Bill joined us for dinner on Tuesday. As the sun was going down there was an amazing double full rainbow so huge we could not get a picture of the entire arc.
We went out for a sail on Monday. Wind and waves were a bit rough again in the sound, but calmed nicely on up the Broad river and going back up the Beaufort River. Nancy and I both had a bit of trouble on the sound, but definitely appreciated the calmer waters. We watched for dolphin, but they were in hiding that day.
We explored Beaufort in a horse and buggy which was a true learning experience about this small city that was a Union stronghold during the Civil War. All the old ante bellum homes and churches remain, and are surrounded by huge moss-draped oak trees. We also found a wonderful book store that specializes in Low Country writers. Bill is hooked on Pat Conway! We'll check the shelves at home before we head back to the book store!
The Nina and Pinta were at the City Marina dock in Beaufort, SC while we were there. Unfortunately we were not aware they were in port and were open for touring. They are traveling up the east coast and into the Great Lakes then down the Mississippi on a great loop tour so if they are near you, they are worth visiting. Their schedule and more information about building them in Brazil is available at www.thenina.com
Bill and I took Wind Spirit out on Thursday in gentle winds. The mainsail and jib were out fully and it was wonderful. The boat sailed like a dream. We were so grateful to have the feeder replaced and the mainsail functioning like it should. We saw lots of small fishing boats in the Broad river and sound. Today we learned that the green herring run in May and June,and that the Cobia follow them in so they are fishing for the Cobia which are pretty big, fighters and good to eat.
Saturday we found the Bluffton Village Festival which was an interesting activity for a very hot (93 degrees) sunny day. We found a hammock chair which I am sure we will enjoy hanging off the davits on the back of the boat. We had yummy French Crepes for lunch...really and lots of cold drinks. We shared an afternoon tea plate at the United Church. We had reserved a lobster dinner at the Back Porch Grill with some friends from other boats, a real bargain for wild lobster from Canada... delicious and my Mother's Day treat! Sounds like all we did was eat...maybe we did!
On Sunday we motored about 10 miles up the ICWand into the Coosaw River which was beautiful. We saw lots of birds and dolphins.
We are getting some practice sailing when the wind is not too strong so we can gain confidence in what we are doing and so far so good. Planning to go out and do a loop in a couple of weeks, going out the St. Helena Sound and coming in the Port Royal Sound. Will anchor out a couple of nights when we do this short trip.
Boat chores today, and then a move to another dock as our present boat slip has a permanent owner who is coming back. Bill may sink into total depression as we have been on a busy main dock and he loves to meet and greet and share stories with the sailors who pull up here.
Concerts in Atlanta this weekend including a Benefit for Haiti at Covenant. Also a sad (for us) goodbye to Lori. Dr. Lori is graduating today from Emory with a DPT and MPH. She then heads to DC, Oregon and traveling in South America before she starts a job in DC in the fall. Know we will see her again before too long. We have so enjoyed having her with us.
yippee, I made your post :) Hope all is well back on the boat, I miss you two! I will call soon with a job interviews update!