We arrived here this afternoon about 4:30 PM! This was our goal and we needed to be here by the 22nd so we could fly to California. We pushed hard and are here early as winds are supposed to increase and be very strong early next week. This is an amazing harbor about 10 miles long sheltered on the east by Stocking Island so most boats are snugged up to it across the water from the village to get protection from the wind. We are there too, but will move tomorrow either into the mooring we have reserved if it is available or into a closer anchorage. We are just on the edge of the ship channel here. Will be quiet tonight as it is Saturday but am sure it will get busier. We have a bright light on our stern. There are coral heads near the entrances on both ends of the harbor so there are marked channels to get in around them.
At this time of year there are usually about 500 boats her in the harbor. Only about 200 here now, but it still looks like many many from our perspective as we have mostly been in smaller harbors since we have been down here.
There is a Cruiser's Regatta here in March and then an Island Family regatta in mid April and it is an amazing example of sailing the local boats. Lots of sailing here in the islands in handmade wooden boats.
We left the Exuma banks through Galliot Cut just as the tide changed at slack tide. Winds were about 10 knots. It was very rough like riding a bucking bronco going out but we made it safely along with about 5 other boats. We pulled the anchor at 7:30 this AM so it was a long day. What a sense of accomplishment though to finally be here!
Weather has been amazing the entire trip! Hope it keeps up. Have only had a couple of sprinkles and Wind Spirit is very salty and sparkles in the sun. We have had lots of great sailing which makes Captain Bill ecstatic!
A few highlights of our trip from Little Harbour in the southern Abacos through the Elutheras to the Exumas. We crossed 3 pretty large bodies of water, went through 4 cuts all of which were challenging but we did fine. Met some very nice folks on Iolar who were good company but we hurried on in the Elutheras to get here. Peaceful Warrior is coming this way too or at least to the park. Right after we anchored here we saw a Canadian boat we first saw our second night in the islands. He is solo so has had a very long trip!
We loved the little settlement of Governors Harbour in Eluthera. The anchorage was lovely and spacious with only 5-6 boats and good local internet. We did some shopping in the local grocery store, visited the post office, tourist office and the bakery. We missed the propane truck so will get that here in Georgetown. We have 2 tanks and like to fill the empty so we always have a spare available. We watched the children playing ball and walked a little along the beach. Visited with a family from Maine who are heading north after a year on their boat with their 7 year old daughter. They had lots to share and were delightful to talk to.
We stopped in Rock Sound Harbour. Again a huge harbor and with internet! (we have none in George Town yet). Decided to go out for dinner early so we pumped up the dinghy, lowered it and put the engine on and off we went. Had a great ride into this little inlet tied up, and had a great meal. Do not know the name of the restaurant but it was right on the water with lots of palm trees and very picturesque. Of course I had forgotten the camera. We went back to the dinghy and Bill discovered that the little anchor we used to hold the dinghy off the dock had fallen off the shackle that attaches it. He was fishing around for ages with the oars and finally took off his shirt and went in after it. It was in about 4 feet of water. Success. So I untied the dinghy and climbed down the ladder and was I was pulling the line in I fell into the water too! Bill said it was hilarious…I didn’t think so as had my purse with me and too much stuff in it like passports. They dried pretty well. No electronics with me thank goodness, as even had forgotten the camera! We both put jackets on for the ride back to the boat . The evening was so warm and so was the water so we weren’t even cold! That was my first swim since we have been here! We have been too busy and it has been too cool.
Speaking of cool as we were sailing today had jeans, fleece and windbreaker on all day! It is quite warm during the day out of the wind but in the wind and on the water it is still cool! Hoping to get to do some swimming and snorkeling soon. We are going to play here when we get back from California and maybe even some before we go! Sailing is great but we like to explore where we are too not just sail on by!
The days have been busy with boat chores and some relaxing. The sunrises and sunsets have been lovely! These islands are arid and only have palm trees where they have been planted. We spent one night in the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park at Wardwick Cay and will go back that way on our way home. It was a beautiful place with water every color you can imagine. The water seems to be one of the most amazing parts of the trip and is so difficult to photograph. The Park is 22 miles long and 8 miles wide, and includes many cays. The water is pristine. We couldn’t stay longer as we were trying to get to George Town before the weather changed on Sunday. Talk about sailing by!
The stars seem so big and are so bright here, and the moon is full now and so brilliant it lights up everything as bright as day. We are so blest to be on this adventure.
Bill and Nancy will be here April first, and will spend almost a week here with us on Wind Spirit. Bill and Marilyn come right after! Such a treat to share this with friends.
Hard to believe we will be home in 2 months and then take off for a second nephew’s wedding in Chicago.
Just fyi, Bill and I have both read Wind from the Carolinas by Robert Wilder in the last week about Loyalist families settling in the Bahamas. It is a saga I had read before but enjoyed again.
Well, will be in touch and will send this off with pictures as soon as we have internet available and some time.
So grateful for all the emails. Love keeping in touch. We think of our friends so often!