Another boat at Sampson wandering through the sailboats into the marina. Ships like this open their garages and pull out motor boats and seadoos and other noisy toys. They seem to be most often registered in the Cayman Islands too.
Clear water about 8 to 10 feet deep and so clear... looks like a modern art painting.
Kids watching the Gospel Concert
G&G Shipping and the Customs office where we picked up our batteries. This is located at the old Naval Yard in George Town.
View out the window of the best internet cafe in George Town... rusty hulkprobably from hurricane category 4 which came through the Bahamas 2 years ago and sailboats in the background. The trees are Australian Pines.
Great new Dinghy Dock at Peace and Plenty Resort right in George Town.
Ninety one year old Dancing at Rake and Scrape at Eddies Edgwater. He was also dancing at the Gospel Concert. Very entertaining!
Rolletown Welcome!
Twelve Mile Dinghy adventure to Rolletown.
Bill climbed up to the Monument on Stocking Island.
Picnic lunch on the Atlantic Beach at Salt Pond on Long Island Patty Cakes!
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